Jess and (almost) Ellie!

Jess... my amazing, beautiful friend. I have been lucky enough to call her a friend since the second grade.   It all  started when our teacher made us partner up one day and draw a picture each other.  I'm sure my picture didn't even remotely resemble her - I don't remember.  But I do remember I had on a polka dot shirt with a GI-NORMOUS  flower pin with a bumble bee... hovering over the flower...  on a pipe cleaner.  Really??    I'm sure I owe our friendship to my amazing fashion sense and terrible drawing skills.

I also can remember sleep overs at her house like it was yesterday.  We would all line up our sleeping bags in every spare inch of the living room and watch Fear... every.single. time.   I can't think of Marky Mark without thinking of those sleep overs (or the Funky Bunch) to this day.

For those of you that know Jess, you know that she was absolutely destined to be a mother.  She was born to do this.  I can't wait until she welcomes little Ellie into this world.  She is one lucky baby.  

Love you happy to now live exactly 4min and 30 seconds away!

So pretty, Jess :)


These are so her... love it.

There she is!!  Hurry up and get here

Brian... you're in for it :)

Andi, Tony, and an adorable baby bump!

Back for more! This journey has been so unbelievably fun so far.  It's so exciting to be starting out this venture and I'm just going to keep on truckin'.  There is nothing better than sitting here at our dining room table, coffee next to me (naturally), country music playing, and sorting through pictures I am proud of.  I feel like you read on so many photographers' sites about how they feel when they pick up a camera, or the feeling of knowing you've just captured a memory in that very second.   You may think that's just something they write, but now I truly know that feeling.  I literally jumped with excitement after a couple of these pictures...   I couldn't wait to get home and look at them!

Most importantly - I am so excited to share these pictures with Andi and Tony!  They are honestly the most adorable (aka ridiculously good looking) couple.  They will be bringing little Evelyn into the world any day now.  Yes any day... every woman would kill to look as good as Andi does at 38 weeks!   They have both said how they never think to bring a camera and take pictures... well I feel so lucky to be able to help them capture this time in their lives.  This is such an exciting moment in time when it is just the two of them and they are anticipating their first baby girl's arrival!  Glad I can help add to the baby book, Andi!

We seriously had a blast and we couldn't have asked for better weather.  And we finished off the day with apps and drinks in JP (well Tony and I had drinks.  We'll make up for it after she's born Andi!)  Thanks guys :)  You rock.  Can't wait to meet Evelyn!

(Warning:  this is going to be a long one... too hard to narrow down!)

She says she's not photogenic..... rrrrright :)

baby bump!

Seriously... could they be any cuter?

Obsessed with the red fence. really.

I know what you're thinking.  models?  nurses?? same thing right?  :p


so then we took a drive down to the arboretum.   gorgeous

you're totally right... not photogenic at all.

Then lastly we took a stroll down the center of JP...  ultrasound in pocket.   This was about 2.5 seconds before the wind blew it out of Tony's pocket and I proceeded to run after it like a maniac.  I saved the day.  Or the ultrasound at least.

They wanted to walk by The Real Deal since they go all the time.  Of course I agreed :)  (Insert shameless plug for my brother's place right here)

Phew.... a million pictures later.  Andi and Tony... hope you love them!!  And I can't wait to meet Evelyn!  Just no more April Fools Jokes to send Tony running for a wheel chair at work!  xoxo